tex-pst-math-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-math | |
tex-pst-node | Nodes and node connections in pstricks | |
tex-pst-node-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-node | |
tex-pst-osci | Oscgons with PSTricks | |
tex-pst-osci-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-osci | |
tex-pst-ovl | Create and manage graphical overlays | |
tex-pst-ovl-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-ovl | |
tex-pst-pdf | Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs | |
tex-pst-pdf-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-pdf | |
tex-pst-plot | Plot data using PSTricks | |
tex-pst-plot-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-plot | |
tex-pst-poly | Polygons with PSTricks | |
tex-pst-poly-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-poly | |
tex-pst-slpe | Sophisticated colour gradients | |
tex-pst-slpe-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-slpe | |
tex-pst-text | Text and character manipulation in PSTricks | |
tex-pst-text-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-text | |
tex-pst-tools | PStricks support functions | |
tex-pst-tools-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-tools | |
tex-pst-tree | Trees, using pstricks | |
tex-pst-tree-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-tree | |
tex-pst-vue3d | Draw perspective views of three dimensional objects | |
tex-pst-vue3d-doc | Documentation for tex-pst-vue3d | |
tex-pstools | Produce Encapsulated PostScript from PostScript | |
tex-pstools-doc | Documentation for tex-pstools | |
tex-pstricks | PostScript macros for TeX | |
tex-pstricks-add | Collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks | |
tex-pstricks-add-doc | Documentation for tex-pstricks-add | |
tex-pstricks-doc | Documentation for tex-pstricks | |
tex-repere | Diagrams for school mathematics | |
tex-repere-doc | Documentation for tex-repere | |
tex-roex | Metafont definitions for `remove overlap' and `expand stroke' | |
tex-roundrect | Metapost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles | |
tex-roundrect-doc | Documentation for tex-roundrect | |
tex-shapes | Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with Metapost | |
tex-shapes-doc | Documentation for tex-shapes | |
tex-slideshow | Generate slideshow with MetaPost | |
tex-slideshow-doc | Documentation for tex-slideshow | |
tex-splines | MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants | |
tex-splines-doc | Documentation for tex-splines | |
tex-suanpan | MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci | |
tex-suanpan-doc | Documentation for tex-suanpan | |
tex-tex-ps | TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons | |
tex-tex-ps-doc | Documentation for tex-tex-ps | |
tex-texdraw | Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript | |
tex-texdraw-doc | Documentation for tex-texdraw | |
tex-textpath | Setting text along a path with MetaPost | |
tex-textpath-doc | Documentation for tex-textpath | |
tex-threeddice | Create images of dice with faces showing, using MetaPost | |
tex-threeddice-doc | Documentation for tex-threeddice | |
tex-tikz-3dplot | Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ | |
tex-tikz-3dplot-doc | Documentation for tex-tikz-3dplot | |
tex-tikz-cd | Create commutative diagrams with TikZ | |
tex-tikz-cd-doc | Documentation for tex-tikz-cd | |
tex-tikz-feynhand | Feynman diagrams with TikZ | |
tex-tikz-feynhand-doc | Documentation for tex-tikz-feynhand | |
tex-tikzinclude | Import TikZ images from colletions | |
tex-tikzinclude-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzinclude | |
tex-tikzmark | Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page | |
tex-tikzmark-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzmark | |
tex-tikzorbital | Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ | |
tex-tikzorbital-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzorbital | |
tex-tikzpagenodes | A single TikZ node for the whole page | |
tex-tikzpagenodes-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzpagenodes | |
tex-tikzpfeile | Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ | |
tex-tikzpfeile-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzpfeile | |
tex-tikzposter | Create scientific posters using TikZ | |
tex-tikzposter-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzposter | |
tex-tikzscale | Resize pictures while respecting text size | |
tex-tikzscale-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzscale | |
tex-tikzsymbols | Some symbols created using TikZ | |
tex-tikzsymbols-doc | Documentation for tex-tikzsymbols | |
tex-tkz-base | Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system | |
tex-tkz-base-doc | Documentation for tex-tkz-base | |
tex-tkz-fct | Tools for drawing graphs of functions | |
tex-tkz-fct-doc | Documentation for tex-tkz-fct | |
tex-venndiagram | Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ | |
tex-venndiagram-doc | Documentation for tex-venndiagram | |
tex-xypic | Flexible diagramming macros | |
tex-xypic-doc | Documentation for tex-xypic | |
tgif | Fully-featured X11 drawing program | |
tiff | Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files | |
tk-tkimg | Add support for several image formats to Tk | |
tkpiechart | Tcl/Tk pie-chart utility; in Tcl, not as an extension | |
tuxpaint | Drawing program for small children | |
tuxpaint-config | Configuration program for tuxpaint | |
tuxpaint-stamps | Rubber stamps for Tux Paint | |
ucview | Video capture and display program based on unicap | |
unicap | Uniform interface to video capture devices | |
urt | Toolkit and library for raster image processing | |
vcg | Visualization Tool for compiler graphs | |
veusz | Scientific plotting package | |
vid | Simple-minded image capture program for some USB webcams | |
viewfax | Tool for displaying fax files in an X Window | |
viewnior | Viewnior is a fast and simple image viewer | |
vigra | Computer vision library | |
vnc2swf | Record vnc session as flash movie | |
vp | Image viewer | |
vtk | Visualization toolkit | |
vtk-data | Example data for VTK |