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tex-pst-math-doc Documentation for tex-pst-math
tex-pst-node Nodes and node connections in pstricks
tex-pst-node-doc Documentation for tex-pst-node
tex-pst-osci Oscgons with PSTricks
tex-pst-osci-doc Documentation for tex-pst-osci
tex-pst-ovl Create and manage graphical overlays
tex-pst-ovl-doc Documentation for tex-pst-ovl
tex-pst-pdf Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
tex-pst-pdf-doc Documentation for tex-pst-pdf
tex-pst-plot Plot data using PSTricks
tex-pst-plot-doc Documentation for tex-pst-plot
tex-pst-poly Polygons with PSTricks
tex-pst-poly-doc Documentation for tex-pst-poly
tex-pst-slpe Sophisticated colour gradients
tex-pst-slpe-doc Documentation for tex-pst-slpe
tex-pst-text Text and character manipulation in PSTricks
tex-pst-text-doc Documentation for tex-pst-text
tex-pst-tools PStricks support functions
tex-pst-tools-doc Documentation for tex-pst-tools
tex-pst-tree Trees, using pstricks
tex-pst-tree-doc Documentation for tex-pst-tree
tex-pst-vue3d Draw perspective views of three dimensional objects
tex-pst-vue3d-doc Documentation for tex-pst-vue3d
tex-pstools Produce Encapsulated PostScript from PostScript
tex-pstools-doc Documentation for tex-pstools
tex-pstricks PostScript macros for TeX
tex-pstricks-add Collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
tex-pstricks-add-doc Documentation for tex-pstricks-add
tex-pstricks-doc Documentation for tex-pstricks
tex-repere Diagrams for school mathematics
tex-repere-doc Documentation for tex-repere
tex-roex Metafont definitions for `remove overlap' and `expand stroke'
tex-roundrect Metapost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles
tex-roundrect-doc Documentation for tex-roundrect
tex-shapes Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with Metapost
tex-shapes-doc Documentation for tex-shapes
tex-slideshow Generate slideshow with MetaPost
tex-slideshow-doc Documentation for tex-slideshow
tex-splines MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants
tex-splines-doc Documentation for tex-splines
tex-suanpan MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci
tex-suanpan-doc Documentation for tex-suanpan
tex-tex-ps TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons
tex-tex-ps-doc Documentation for tex-tex-ps
tex-texdraw Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript
tex-texdraw-doc Documentation for tex-texdraw
tex-textpath Setting text along a path with MetaPost
tex-textpath-doc Documentation for tex-textpath
tex-threeddice Create images of dice with faces showing, using MetaPost
tex-threeddice-doc Documentation for tex-threeddice
tex-tikz-3dplot Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ
tex-tikz-3dplot-doc Documentation for tex-tikz-3dplot
tex-tikz-cd Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
tex-tikz-cd-doc Documentation for tex-tikz-cd
tex-tikz-feynhand Feynman diagrams with TikZ
tex-tikz-feynhand-doc Documentation for tex-tikz-feynhand
tex-tikzinclude Import TikZ images from colletions
tex-tikzinclude-doc Documentation for tex-tikzinclude
tex-tikzmark Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page
tex-tikzmark-doc Documentation for tex-tikzmark
tex-tikzorbital Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ
tex-tikzorbital-doc Documentation for tex-tikzorbital
tex-tikzpagenodes A single TikZ node for the whole page
tex-tikzpagenodes-doc Documentation for tex-tikzpagenodes
tex-tikzpfeile Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ
tex-tikzpfeile-doc Documentation for tex-tikzpfeile
tex-tikzposter Create scientific posters using TikZ
tex-tikzposter-doc Documentation for tex-tikzposter
tex-tikzscale Resize pictures while respecting text size
tex-tikzscale-doc Documentation for tex-tikzscale
tex-tikzsymbols Some symbols created using TikZ
tex-tikzsymbols-doc Documentation for tex-tikzsymbols
tex-tkz-base Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system
tex-tkz-base-doc Documentation for tex-tkz-base
tex-tkz-fct Tools for drawing graphs of functions
tex-tkz-fct-doc Documentation for tex-tkz-fct
tex-venndiagram Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
tex-venndiagram-doc Documentation for tex-venndiagram
tex-xypic Flexible diagramming macros
tex-xypic-doc Documentation for tex-xypic
tgif Fully-featured X11 drawing program
tiff Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
tk-tkimg Add support for several image formats to Tk
tkpiechart Tcl/Tk pie-chart utility; in Tcl, not as an extension
tuxpaint Drawing program for small children
tuxpaint-config Configuration program for tuxpaint
tuxpaint-stamps Rubber stamps for Tux Paint
ucview Video capture and display program based on unicap
unicap Uniform interface to video capture devices
urt Toolkit and library for raster image processing
vcg Visualization Tool for compiler graphs
veusz Scientific plotting package
vid Simple-minded image capture program for some USB webcams
viewfax Tool for displaying fax files in an X Window
viewnior Viewnior is a fast and simple image viewer
vigra Computer vision library
vnc2swf Record vnc session as flash movie
vp Image viewer
vtk Visualization toolkit
vtk-data Example data for VTK